Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stop Those Feelings Telling You Life Has No Meaning

If so, you’ve most likely never invested any quality time in looking within for the answers to your life purpose.

Having and living a life that transforms into self-fulfillment requires an effort on your part to comprehend precisely why you were placed here on Earth.

The challenge most of us confront as we trek through life is that there are a large amount of people, thought processes, and events that tug us in an assortment of directions. Your parents perhaps influenced you to live a particular life, as did the world in general. Whether or not this way was the one you truly desired inside might not have been something you truthfully hoped for.

Suddenly, you awaken with a sensation of meaninglessness and find that existence has no significance for you. You’re simply moving through the motions, living almost zombie-like as you stumble through each and every day.

Even though there are some people who seem born with their life meaning already at the forefront of their minds, you weren’t so lucky. You feel as though you were intended for something better, but you simply can’t seem to lock on to what it is you’re supposed to be doing with your life.

Let’s peer into a number of actions you can employ to uncover your life purpose and bring to an end your dreaded outlook that tells you life has no meaning.

First, look into the kinds of subject matter you’ve forever been fervent about. Have you for all time found yourself attracted toward animals? Or maybe arts, crafts, music or poetry convey passion into your essence. How about teaching, business, education, etc? Commence making a list of whatever makes you sense magic inside.

Secondly, create an inventory of all the actions you like to do. Rather than general subject areas, now begin focusing on the tangible activities you love, such as painting, writing, playing a certain sport, boating, racing, singing, cooking, reading, gardening, etc.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Luck, Chance Or Opportunity?

What is Luck?

The dictionary defines luck as "(chance as bestower of) good or ill fortune, fortuituous events affecting one's interests, person's apparent tendency to be (un)fortunate". "Phew," some of you will sigh with relief..."it's not my fault that I'm unlucky then, its all down to chance!" Well, let’s consider what chance is first. Dictionary definition again: "way things happen of themselves, fortune; undesigned occurrence; opportunity".

So, yes, it would be reasonable to say that you cannot truly make your luck but it would be also be right to say that being lucky is about using the opportunities presented to us.
How can we become lucky if it is down to chance and opportunities? As mentioned above some of it is outside of our control, the issue is grabbing opportunities when they arise. "That's all very well," some of you may now be saying "but I don't get many opportunities to grab."

This is the real issue. Dr Richard Wiseman in his book, “The Luck Factor” spent many years proving that nobody is any luckier than anyone else. It is all to do with attitude and behaviour.

How many opportunities do we miss in life? Sometimes we are so engrossed in our problems or day to day lives that we let great opportunities pass us by. Other times an opportunity may be jumping up and down in front of us shouting "Hey guys! I'm here! Great opportunity time!" but we choose to ignore it as it is just embarrassing us with its ridiculous behaviour and we don't want to look silly or make a mistake.

So how can you spot these opportunities and become lucky?
Going back to chance, consider the likelihood of winning a lottery. This can be considered from a mathematical viewpoint. It is based on the laws of probability and chance. You can 'buy' into these 'opportunities' with a lottery ticket, the odds are clearly defined, however you may be lucky and get a prize.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lucky Bamboo Care

Quick Tips: Lucky Bamboo Care

As millions of “lucky” consumers around the world have discovered, Lucky Bamboo makes the perfect house or office plant, needing little care but an inch of water and little direct sunlight to keep it happy and thriving…

What is Lucky Bamboo?

Known for centuries as Lucky Bamboo, the plant is not a bamboo at all (botanical name: Dracaena) but a resilient member of the lily family that grows in the dark, tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and Africa.

How Much Care Does Lucky Bamboo Need?

Keep water fresh by changing it every week, and always keep water levels at approximately an inch from the base of the canes. Lucky Bamboo prefers plenty of indirect sunlight and room temperatures at 65-70°. Although opinions differ on feeding, your Lucky Bamboo is a living organism, so it makes sense to occasionally add a mild solution to the water such as African Violet fertilizer. Since growth can be controlled by feeding, small amounts of fertilizer will keep the plant at a manageable size.

Why Are the Leaves Turning Yellow?

Two of the most common factors are 1.) too much direct sunlight; and 2.) too salty or heavily-fluoridated tap water. To give your new Lucky Bamboo a thriving start be sure to keep it away from direct sunlight, and water only with filtered or natural spring water.

Why Is It Called “Lucky” Bamboo?

Along with its ease of growth, Lucky Bamboo has long been associated with the Eastern practice of Feng Shui - or the bringing of natural elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal into balance within the environment. Lucky Bamboo is believed to be an ideal example of the thriving wood and water element, with the addition of a red ribbon sometimes tied around the stalks - which is believed to “fire” the positive flow of energy or chi in the room. The number of stalks also has meaning : three stalks for happiness; five stalks for wealth; six stalks for health. Four stalks, however, are always avoided - since the word “four” in Chinese sounds too similar to the Chinese word for “death”!

Can I Take Cuttings from Lucky Bamboo?

Yes. New stalks can be propagated from the original plant by using a sharp knife to cut through a stalk - just below the joint. Place the cutting in fresh, clean water. A fine mist spray to stalks is sometimes suggested to stimulate new bud growth.

How Do I Repot Bamboo?

Like any other houseplant, Lucky Bamboo can be transferred to a vase or pot 2 inches larger than the original, or planted permanently into a loose sand or soil mixture that provides lots of bottom drainage. To avoid root rot, be careful to let the top of the soil dry out between waterings.

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3 Things You Can Do to Help Yourself Be Successful In Life

Do you define success as having a lot of money? Or do you define success as being able to live your life the way you want too? Either way, they are both good things to strive for. We all know not everyone can be successful as there are checks and balances for winners and losers.

I truly feel most people want to be in on the winning side. However, we always run into people that remain in the same place in life. Do you feel you are you one of those people? Obviously if you’re a person looking and trying to better your life you want to be on the winning side.

Being successful can mean many things. My definition of being successful is accomplishing what you intend to do. For example, I always intended to have a family and I now have a great family. I consider myself very successful.

Success does not mean to look better than the people around you. I believe it comes from within and how you perceive yourself and your life. Success is something that you do not have to show on a daily basis. Success is how you live your life.

Here are three tips on being successful:

Create a Vision of Yourself

Having a vision is the first and most critical step of any successful plan. Create a vision of what you intend to do. Write down how you want to see yourself 1 year from now. Think about how your life will look. Having a vision will help you focus on what you want to achieve.

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Law of Attraction Article: Freedom From The Opinion Of Others

As if it isn’t stressful enough dealing with the critical voices we hear in our own minds all the time, we also find we have to deal with the criticism and opinions of others on almost a daily basis.

While we can sometimes benefit from the advice of others, we can also make the mistake of letting their opinions carry far too much weight in the decisions we make and how we decide to live our lives.

It is necessary to take a step back once in awhile and ask ourselves the reasons behind so much of what we do.

For instance:

Why do you have the job or career that you have? Is it something you always wanted to do? Or is it a job or career that others such as your parents, spouse or friends think is the right job for you?

I have a friend who always wanted to be a writer. After she graduated high school she intended to look for a job in the publishing industry. Her parents however had a different idea. They didn’t think the writing field was solid enough. Jobs were hard to come by and easy to lose. Newspapers and magazines paid very little. Getting a book published was a one in a million shot. (This was all before the internet by the way.)

They convinced her that taking a job as a writer would be irresponsible on her part and that she should work as an administrative assistant on Wall Street instead. Plenty of positions available, good solid income, security. After enough pressure she caved and took their advice and became an administrative assistant for over 15 years. And hated every minute of it. The ironic part was when years later she decided to give her writing career another shot, it was now her spouse who didn’t want her to give up the steady income she was making as an assistant.

Even though they all knew she was miserable doing what she was doing, they wouldn’t or couldn’t, look past their own opinions of how she should live her life.

Luckily she finally came to the realization that this was in fact, her life, and not theirs. She started writing and submitting pieces in her spare time and eventually started earning enough to make it her full time job. She is now very successful and happy! But it was only when she realized that she had been sacrificing her desires because of the opinion of others that she was able to make the move.

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Biggest Reasons Why Relationships Don’t Work

Have you ever wondered why many relationships don’t work well? Many are looking for ways and means on how to save a marriage. Let’s see some of the root causes that greatly affect relationships.

1. FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE MORE – in any relationship, communication is essential. One way is to build good listening skills. One needs to let the other person know what is in his or her mind. We cannot keep on second-guessing the other person. Open communication even becomes critical so as not to misunderstand each other. Problems arise when one partner expects the other to read his or her mind and you will agree with me that this is close to impossible.

My wife for example is an introvert. In our 1st years of marriage whenever she gets angry she just keeps quiet all the time and I get frustrated because it was like I was talking to a wall. But later she too realized that it was necessary for her to communicate and express herself in order to reconcile and put the unity back between us. We must also seek to be a listener, build good listening skills, and have an attitude like this:” I want to understand her so that I can know why she thinks and feels that way.”

2. SELFISHNESS - difficult as this may sound but when we are self-centered, we tend to dismiss the other person’s feelings and say anything we want to say to suit our moods. To be outward-looking is to be concerned of the feelings of the other person. You can ask yourself ”Did I make him happy today or did I hurt his feelings?” Again, its important to build good listening skills. Most of the time because of pride we tend to hurt the other. In order to maintain unity in a relationship, we need to remove our pride. How? By thinking and caring more for the other person and trying to serve him better.

3. LACK OF SHOW OF AFFECTION – we are social people. We interact with each other. One of the best ways to relay our feelings and concerns is a gentle touch, a warm hug, a peck in the cheek and other means of showing our affection. It is important to say “You know that I love you…” to the person dearest to you. However you need to also to show your love outwardly one way or another. For example, I make it a point to kiss my wife goodbye every time I leave for work. Affection brings warmth and closeness to each other.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Flirting Language

It is generally said that women send more body language than the men. Just looking at the way a person behaves with their body you can tell if a person loves you or not, you can tell almost instantly if the person is interested in you or not. Flirting language is not hard to understand, it is actually the second language that can be understood most after the love language. One only needs to move one body part in a certain way before you can tell that the person is flirting with you and that they are interested in you. For example if a woman tosses her hair or plays with her hair that is a flirting language, the interpretation to that is that the woman wants you to talk to her and that she is ready to start a relationship with you if possible.

Another flirting language that everyone is familiar with is the eye. The eyes communicate a lot and depending with how you look at a person they will know exactly what you mean. When someone spots a person somewhere and looks at them at a glance it probably means nothing, but when the person looks at someone and he or she hold the gaze for sometime it means that you want to meet with them and that it would be great if you looked back at them in a suggestive manner so that they know whether to approach you or to keep off if the look of course you give back is repulsive.

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