Sunday, October 5, 2008

Biggest Reasons Why Relationships Don’t Work

Have you ever wondered why many relationships don’t work well? Many are looking for ways and means on how to save a marriage. Let’s see some of the root causes that greatly affect relationships.

1. FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE MORE – in any relationship, communication is essential. One way is to build good listening skills. One needs to let the other person know what is in his or her mind. We cannot keep on second-guessing the other person. Open communication even becomes critical so as not to misunderstand each other. Problems arise when one partner expects the other to read his or her mind and you will agree with me that this is close to impossible.

My wife for example is an introvert. In our 1st years of marriage whenever she gets angry she just keeps quiet all the time and I get frustrated because it was like I was talking to a wall. But later she too realized that it was necessary for her to communicate and express herself in order to reconcile and put the unity back between us. We must also seek to be a listener, build good listening skills, and have an attitude like this:” I want to understand her so that I can know why she thinks and feels that way.”

2. SELFISHNESS - difficult as this may sound but when we are self-centered, we tend to dismiss the other person’s feelings and say anything we want to say to suit our moods. To be outward-looking is to be concerned of the feelings of the other person. You can ask yourself ”Did I make him happy today or did I hurt his feelings?” Again, its important to build good listening skills. Most of the time because of pride we tend to hurt the other. In order to maintain unity in a relationship, we need to remove our pride. How? By thinking and caring more for the other person and trying to serve him better.

3. LACK OF SHOW OF AFFECTION – we are social people. We interact with each other. One of the best ways to relay our feelings and concerns is a gentle touch, a warm hug, a peck in the cheek and other means of showing our affection. It is important to say “You know that I love you…” to the person dearest to you. However you need to also to show your love outwardly one way or another. For example, I make it a point to kiss my wife goodbye every time I leave for work. Affection brings warmth and closeness to each other.

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