Tuesday, April 29, 2008

bamboo plant

5 Guaranteed Ways to Attract More Lucky Breaks

If I could attract more luck My life wouldn't suck, If I had what it takes To attract more breaks

My problems wouldn't run amok.

Since the beginning of time man has searched for ways to attract more luck. Four-leaf clovers, lucky charms and of course a rabbits foot (although it wasn't lucky for the rabbit).

Yes, all these trinkets and more have tried the patience and sanity of people throughout history.

But despite the hit-and-miss results most continue to experience, the tried and true methods in this article stands the test of time. Why? Because it makes use of what you already have inside you. Your actions, attitude and desire. All of which you have total control.

Here's the 5 Guaranteed Ways To Attract More Lucky Breaks

1. Lucky Breaks Come From Asking For What You Want Many people who discover lucky breaks have formed the habit of simply asking for what they want. They keep the attitude of "all they can say is no!" They've learn to accept this fact. It's still surprising how many lucky breaks you'll discover by simply learning to ask politely and confidently. Try it! Go ahead, ask for a price cut, ask a probing question, ask for a date - ask! The more you ask the better results you'll see.

2. Lucky Breaks Come From Thinking On Paper Capture your ideas and thoughts on paper. Write down your goals, your wants and your ideas. Write down your problems, solutions and aims. Always carry a notepad and pen with you and write every idea, thought and plan that springs from your mind. You'll discover the more you do this the better your ideas will improve. Try it.

3. Lucky Breaks Come To Those Who Expect Luck Breaks This doesn't mean you should sit around waiting for lucky breaks to knock on your door. Lucky breaks come to those who prepare for them. So make sure you prepare yourself for your lucky break when it comes. Lucky breaks come and go quickly, most people miss them because they failed to prepare to recognize them when they came. Don't let this happen to you. Lucky breaks come quickest to the prepared.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

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Top 10: Signs You’ll Get Lucky

One of the most complicated things in the dating game is knowing whether or not a woman is interested -- especially since it’s easy to misinterpret a mere act of kindness as sexual interest. Deciphering whether or not she is interested in getting to know you or if you’re close to “getting lucky” that evening can be equally as confusing.

How do you know when an intimate conversation with someone you just met at a nightclub can potentially become a one-night stand? Truthfully, there are no surefire signs you’ll get lucky at the end of a date, but there are a few behavioral clues to look out for. Knowing how to recognize some signs you’ll get lucky -- verbal and non-verbal ones -- so that you can proceed to the next level will eliminate a significant amount of apprehension on your part to go for it.

It’s no secret that the woman ultimately controls the sexual climate of any situation or encounter. So, to help you read her better, here are the top 10 signs you’ll get lucky.

Number 10

She buys you a drink

If she offers to buy you a drink, it is a clear indication that she is confident and goes after what she wants. It is also an invitation to join her, and potentially keep her company for the remainder of the evening.

Number 9

She touches you

Body language is the key to knowing whether or not a woman is into you. If she touches you affectionately on the arm or leg in the midst of conversation, chances are that she’d like to take that touching to a more intimate place later on.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Lucky Bamboo

Do Entrepreneurs Need Good Luck?

To get the results you want, you need to write your own rules of good luck

We once heard a mathematics professor state, "The parameters of luck are unknown to us." In other words, luck can't be explained by any specific factor; it's a matter of chance. We thought the statement made a lot of sense, but we were intrigued by the notion that what we call "luck" could be explained by a set of variables or elements that had not yet been studied. So we carried out our own research.

We spoke with people who thought their lives had been blessed by good fortune to try and figure out what factors they had in common. After four years of research, we could clearly identify a list of five principles for good luck.

What our research revealed can be summarized in a single simple sentence: In business, we make our own good luck.

What do these creators of good luck have in common? How can entrepreneurs make their own good luck as they’re making their businesses successful? The principles are summarized below:

  1. Responsibility
    Business owners who feel that they have had good luck also feel responsible for their own actions. When things go wrong or the outcome of any given situation is other than intended, they never point the finger of blame at external factors or other individuals. Instead, they look to themselves and ask, "What have I done for this to occur?" Then they act accordingly to solve the problem.
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American Gift Club

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bamboo Plant

What's Luck Got To Do With it? How to get lucky at work and elsewhere

"Some guys have all the luck...some guys have all the pain", so says Rod Stewart in his song entitled the same. Why is it that some people do seem luckier than others? Why is it that some of those "nice guys" really do seem to finish last? Karma? Destiny? Luck? Believe it or not, feeling and thinking yourself "lucky" at work or elsewhere--feeling blessed with good fortune--is a predictor of your level of success and joy in life.

In the 1990's Professor Richard Wiseman of University, of Hertfordshire, England, was so intrigued about this subject that he set out on a "lucky" expedition of his own. Dr. Wiseman placed advertisements in newspapers asking for people who felt consistently lucky or unlucky to contact him. Hundreds of extraordinary men and women volunteered for his research and, over the years, he interviewed them, monitored their lives and had them take part in experiments.

Dr. Wiseman's results reveal that although these people have almost no insight into the causes of their luck, their thoughts and behaviour are responsible for much of their good and bad fortune. It's the 'ole self-fulfilling prophecy all over again!

When it comes to, for example, the case of seemingly chance opportunities, Dr. Wiseman determined that lucky people consistently encounter such opportunities, whereas unlucky people do not. Are these opportunities available to all people? Is it merely a matter of honing one's ability to observe and act on opportunities, or is there really some "magical" aura around some and not others?

To examine these questions further Dr. Wiseman gave both lucky and unlucky people a newspaper, and asked them to look through it and report how many photographs were inside. He secretly placed a large message halfway through the newspaper saying, "Tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $250." This message took up half of the page and was written in type that was more than two inches high. Another large message also appeared in the newspaper, revealing the exact number of photographs. You guessed it...the people who missed the first message also missed the second!

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American Gift Club

Monday, April 21, 2008

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Secrets Of Lucky People

Lucky People?

There are people who seem to lead a charmed life. Many of these lucky people aren't even all that bright, and yet they seem to almost stumble into success. They have opportunities open up for them all the time. Things are handed to them. They win in the stock market, find their dream job, and get married to their ideal partner.

Then there are those who might joke that "If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all." These are the perpetually unlucky people. You may know a few. They always seem to be unlucky in love, lose money when they invest, miss all the opportunities, have unexpected bad thing happen, and generally struggle to gain any advantage in life.

Most of us are somewhere between these two extremes. We have our share of good and bad "luck," and never really know why, or whether there is something to be done about it. There is. That is what this book is about.

What Is Good Luck?

Is there really such a thing as luck, either good or bad, or is there another explanation? Are we somehow "cursed" or "blessed"? Or is "good luck" just a lazy way to define the process of cause and effect? Who cares!? Having good luck is more important than having an explanation of it, right?

Lesson number one then, is that it is more profitable to make things happen than to argue about definitions. The things you can make happen with this information will earn you the title of "lucky," but don't sweat the label. Good results are good results, whatever they are called, so let's get started with what lucky people are doing differently, and how you can have "good luck" too.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Being Unlucky Enough to be Lucky.

t's been a crazy winter in the Midwest. We had thunderstorms and heavy snows, cold days, warm days and days where the wind would knock the Statue of Liberty over.

Throughout it all I kept hearing that although it was a terrible winter, we were lucky it wasn't worse than it was. How it has come to be that we all consider ourselves unluckily lucky is a mystery to me.

When we had the monsoons in January, probably 30% of the homes in this area got water in their basements for the first time ever. What did these people say as they went out sump pump shopping? "Well, this is the first time and considering how heavy the rain was for a full 24 hours, I guess we are lucky we didn't get more water than we did."

Wouldn't these people actually be lucky if they didn't have any nasty sewerage floating their storage boxes into each other? One man who actually lost a finished rec room with a huge plasma television set told me how lucky he was to have insurance. Boy I sure wish I was as lucky as he is.

When I and my neighbors were busy shoveling our vehicles out of drifts of snow in early January, many cheerfully said we have been lucky for many years not to get too many of these snowfalls. Wouldn't we actually have been luckier if we could say that as we swept just a dusting off our stairs? The third time in a month this debacle happened I didn't hear many "lucky" conversations going on while snow piled up around the town. That is except for that one weird neighbor who always is smiling. He still felt we were lucky since we don't have terrible winters like this every year. Hey buddy, Tibet doesn't have winters like this every year.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

7 Lucky Tips that Will Jumpstart Your Writing Career

Looking to make a start in a new writing career? Associated Content is a great place to begin! Here is a lucky set of seven tips to get you going today.

1. Write, write, and write. Less than six months ago, I began contributing regular articles to the site. Just getting in the habit of writing on a daily basis jump-started my writing habit, and I was off.

2. Learn from criticism. The great thing about Associated Content is the Content Editors themselves. They are friendly and helpful. Editors provided me with critical and thoughtful ideas to spruce up my writing. They spoke to me with kind and humorous words, never treating me like a dispensable contributor. This approach allowed me to really listen to their comments and learn from them.

3. Branch out. After renewing my writing habit, I began seeking more fruitful employment. Hey, let’s face it - AC contributors know we don’t get paid in gold. However, you do get immediate publication and a possible high profile on popular search engines. That’s a pretty good trade-off.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Five Best Gifts to Give Your Family

When we think of giving gifts, we usually think of things to buy for people. Yet if you think back on gifts you’ve been given, it might not be the material gifts you received that are foremost in your mind – it might be the kind of gifts that deeply touched your heart and soul. It might be various ways, other than material things, that people expressed their love to you.

There are five gifts of love that we can give to our families that can make a huge difference in their lives.


We all yearn to feel cared for, yet many of us withhold caring and compassion for others. A profound gift we can give to our loved ones is to listen with our heart, to understand and accept rather than to judge, and to stay open to learning rather than to protect against being hurt.

Think about the last time someone actually listened to you and gave you understanding and acceptance. The feeling of being understood and accepted with caring and compassion is one of the best feelings in the world. Instead of focusing on getting this from others, why not focus on giving it to others? You might be surprised at how wonderful you feel in giving this gift to your family.


One of the best gifts we can give our loved ones is our own courage. This means being having the courage to stand in our truth, to be honest about what we want and don’t want, what we will do and won’t do, what is and what is not acceptable to us. It means having the courage to take good care of ourselves, even if others don’t like it. It means not succumbing to our controlling behaviors that come from fear: anger, withdrawal, compliance, resistance, but instead being honest and above-board about ourselves. It means being willing to face conflict rather than give ourselves up to avoid it.

When we have the courage to face conflict and tell the truth, we not only provide our family with a role model for courage, but we provide opportunities for our loved ones to step up to the plate in the face of our truth and learn to be courageous too.


We are on this planet to learn to love ourselves and each other, and to help each other. One of the best gifts we can give our family is to role model this by doing service. Helping others fills the heart and soul in ways that nothing else can. If children do not see their parents doing service and helping others, they may never learn the great joy and fulfillment that comes from giving. One of the best gifts we can give to our family is to provide ways of doing service.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Why do some people seem to have all the luck? They’re always in the right place at the right time. Their businesses prosper. They get one fantastic promotion after another. In short: they enjoy phenomenal success. What explains it? Are they doing something special, or is good fortune selecting them by chance?

or a moment, let’s put aside winning the lottery-which seems to be a random type of luck-and instead focus on those who consistently achieve extraordinary results in their lives. Often, we attribute their accomplishments to random luck. However, after studying the lives of these people, I’ve discovered that there’s more to it than that. Indeed, these people seem to benefit from something I’ll call “created luck.”

People who create their own luck have certain traits in common. Here are the secrets for deliberately bringing luck into your life:

  1. Be proactive. Show me a consistently lucky person and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t sit back waiting for good fortune to pay a visit. Indeed, lucky people put themselves in a position to win by continually taking action in pursuit of their goals.
  2. Have a dynamic, positive attitude. It has been proven that we attract what we think about most. People who get the breaks believe in themselves and in their abilities. They picture themselves reaching their goals and are secure in the knowledge that they’ll master any and all challenges that come their way. Therefore, to become a magnet for exceptional achievements, maintain a confident outlook and concentrate on success!
  3. Possess a burning desire. Aside from being positive, lucky people are passionate about achieving their goals. They’re always on the lookout to seize an opportunity, and you can bet they’ll bring enthusiasm and energy to the quest.
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

7 Marriage Tips To Stay Lucky In Love

Relationship experts caution, however, that much more than luck is needed to stay together and beat the odds of a divorce, now estimated to end half of today's marriages. Here, relationship experts consulted by WebMD offer their best marriage tips for how to stay lucky in love. And they go way beyond the usual tips to buy her flowers, cook his favorite meal, and remember to schedule date night.

Marriage Tip No. 1: Purge the "D'" word.

With the taste of wedding cake barely off their lips, divorce is the last thought — or word — on newlyweds' minds. But as the honeymoon period wanes, and day-to-day difficulties crop up, the word can come up frequently during arguments for some couples, say relationship counselors.

"Just don't go there," suggests Steve Brody, Ph.D., a psychologist in Cambria, Calif., who counsels couples. "Some people pull that out much too early, and much too often in a relationship. It raises a whole level of anxiety [in the person hearing it]."

Divorce is also considered a dirty word by the more than 200 "marriage masters" interviewed for the book, "Project Everlasting." Co-authors Mat Boggs and Jason Miller, bachelors and childhood buddies from Portland, Ore., traveled the country to interview the couples, married 40 or more years, and ask for their best marriage tips.

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