Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Why do some people seem to have all the luck? They’re always in the right place at the right time. Their businesses prosper. They get one fantastic promotion after another. In short: they enjoy phenomenal success. What explains it? Are they doing something special, or is good fortune selecting them by chance?

or a moment, let’s put aside winning the lottery-which seems to be a random type of luck-and instead focus on those who consistently achieve extraordinary results in their lives. Often, we attribute their accomplishments to random luck. However, after studying the lives of these people, I’ve discovered that there’s more to it than that. Indeed, these people seem to benefit from something I’ll call “created luck.”

People who create their own luck have certain traits in common. Here are the secrets for deliberately bringing luck into your life:

  1. Be proactive. Show me a consistently lucky person and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t sit back waiting for good fortune to pay a visit. Indeed, lucky people put themselves in a position to win by continually taking action in pursuit of their goals.
  2. Have a dynamic, positive attitude. It has been proven that we attract what we think about most. People who get the breaks believe in themselves and in their abilities. They picture themselves reaching their goals and are secure in the knowledge that they’ll master any and all challenges that come their way. Therefore, to become a magnet for exceptional achievements, maintain a confident outlook and concentrate on success!
  3. Possess a burning desire. Aside from being positive, lucky people are passionate about achieving their goals. They’re always on the lookout to seize an opportunity, and you can bet they’ll bring enthusiasm and energy to the quest.
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