Wednesday, May 7, 2008

lucky bamboo plant

Why Some Guys/Gals Have All The Luck

If you are like me ( as I was before), by now you would be thinking there is no 'Mr or Mrs Right' out there for you. My personal answer to this will be “NO! There is certainly NO RIGHT PARTNER for you out there.”

Like any product, valuable products are highly priced while the mass production goods are of low quality and less priced.

Looking at the low quality products, which you will agree with me, they hardly command any care and are very short lived.

This is what happens to anyone who does not put value on him or herself when it comes to relationships. It is hard hitting but the truth! You need to first RESPECT YOURSELF and the world will follow suit.

Taking a common pair of jeans, if you do buy two pairs one for $25.00 and another for $250.00 it is logic that you will rough ride the $25.00 pair and the $250 pair would be reserved for your special outings. Even how you care for these two pairs of jeans would be different.

In the same manner this is what most people do go through in relationships and we wonder why some particular girls or boys do have all the luck and fun.

The answer is – they do love themselves, respect themselves AND price themselves very high, because they are confident in themselves, PERIOD!

And when I talk about price I do not mean just demanding to be taken to the most expensive restaurants or being given the most costly gifts that have ever been sold on this earth. That is a definite NO GO!

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American Gift Club

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