Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fun Shui and Money

Self Improvement,Motivation

Would you like an easier and more abundant flow of cash in your life? You’ve come to the right place. This article is about the Fun Shui of Money. The Fun Easy Flow of Money. “Shui” in Chinese means “water” or “flow. If you watch water in nature, you can feel the water having fun flowing around obstacles to get where it wants to go. Attracting an easy, extravagant flow of money into your life is a function of fun, fluidity, focus, flexibility and finesse. FUN Celebrate the truth that there is more than enough. Acknowledge and rejoice that there is more than enough food, money and love in the world to meet everyone’s needs. Experts agree that we currently have the resources on the planet to take good care of everyone. It’s only the attitude, intention and action that are missing. Start with you and let it spread! Celebrate today! Have a Prosperity Party and invite your friends.

See your riches. Visualizing the riches you desire in your life will accelerate the money into your world at lightning speed. See yourself already using the things you bought with your mountains of money. For even faster results, add satisfaction and gratitude at the same time you see your picture of wealth. Everyday do something rich. Each day do at least one activity that makes you feel rich. Have a massage, buy fresh flowers, go to a day spa, rent a Porsche, dine at a fine restaurant and don’t look at the prices, hire someone to clean your house, take your best friends out to lunch. Or do something that is free. Pick a bunch of flowers, take a picnic to the beach at sunset, hang out at a fancy resort, go for a drive in an expensive estate and imagine which house you now own. The more you practice feeling rich, the faster it becomes a part of you. Laugh. Like vibration seeds like vibration. A really good, deep laugh moves your energy into a place of attraction. Use this belly laugh to attract a belly-full of money. When you are playing with children, watching a funny movie, horsing around with your friends, chuckling at a joke, you’re funding your dreams. Feel what it would feel like to have more money than you could ever spend—and double over in joyful anticipation—or absurdity.

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