Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Secret To Lucky: Relax To Receive

Did you ever wonder if it is possible to improve your luck like your weight, grades in school, earnings potential, dance skills or batting average? Could certain little things we do or the way we do them increase our genius problem solving ability? Would you like to learn how to get the concepts in the movie "The Secret" to work flawlessly every time?

I sat in the rental office holding back a surge of tears. Eighteen hours before my plans were to move in with my fiancé. However after recognizing an irreconcilable difference between us, I was left without a place to live. I had only two weeks before my moving date. After that I would be homeless. The only apartment they had was on the second floor without a screened patio. My cats that were used to going outside would be imprisoned. I had looked at many rental communities. They all lacked what I needed.

I went home in a state of shock and despair. Earlier that day I sat down, did my meditation and commanded the universe to provide the perfect living arrangement for me. This perfect place would be on the first floor, have a screened in patio with a door on it for exit, highly private exposure and ridiculously reasonable rent.

With tears in my eyes I sat in the rental office signing their papers thinking, "My luck is rotten. This metaphysics stuff does not work!"

I went home in shock. My sister and her husband came over to help me pack, but all I could do was wander around aimlessly. The rest of the day passed thusly. I finally relinquished into an early stupor of sleep.

The next day, Saturday, I awoke relaxed. As I prepared breakfast I suddenly remembered an apartment complex I used to live near a few years earlier. I had this feeling, this intuition, that maybe they might have the right apartment. I got on the Internet to look for them.

There it was -- the complex I had remembered. When I called they miraculously had five to six first floor apartments vacant all with exit doors off screened in patios, and were providing two free months on an already very reasonable monthly rent! How could this be? All the other rental communities I had contacted had very few vacancies, none with screened in patios and very few on the first floor.

It was like "Brigadoon," the movie. Amidst the wasteland, this little apartment complex emerged as an anomaly. I thought there must be something wrong to have such a high vacancy rate and to provide two free months rent. However when I saw the model, it and the grounds were perfect.

I still did not know the exact apartment I would get, so when I went back on Monday to find this out, I was a bit nervous. It might look out on a parking lot, precluding the ability to allow my cats to wander outside every now and then.

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