Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is This Any Way To Win Friends And Influence People?

We've all heard the ravings and rantings about how important it is in direct sales, to "relate" - that success must be built on starting and building relationships. Sometimes they call what we do "relationship marketing." Some say that's why network marketing is a natural thing for women to do.

Yet, the things people are taught to say to others about their products appear to do the opposite - they tend to drive the other woman away - glazed eyes and all - even one who might have been a good match for the product (or business).

For example, one lady, when asked "What do you do?" by someone, bubbled:

"Ooh, I'm a wellness consultant! We market unique, patented, scientifically proven nutraceuticals, and blah blah blah..."

Your reaction? Read it out loud. Say it to someone else. See how they react. Any wonder people want to get away?

Indeed, hundreds of distributors report that when they say their "product script" most other people's eyes glaze over, and they make up a fast excuse to get away. Most product scripts sound just like the one above. Full of "seller talk" and techno babble that no one cares about except the person speaking. A total turn off to normal people.

Is this anyway to start a relationship?

(Interesting aside: Without exception, EVERY student in my classes who talks like that to others about their product, the minute someone else reads their script back to them out loud, the student immediately realizes why those other people turned off and changed the subject. Now they can't believe they've been talking like that all this time.)

So what to say instead?

How about telling YOUR story and asking for people like you? And get rid of the idea that you have to impress and convert every person to whom you speak, to your way of thinking about it?

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