Monday, July 28, 2008

Attract Abundance: Your Well-being and Happiness will Attract Abundance

Well-being is one of the most confusing concepts in our society today. Many people do not understand what it is or how to achieve it. And most people honestly do not feel that their well-being can affect their ability to prosper or attract abundance in their lives.

Well-being is always first when we choose to live in abundance. Our level of wellness determines how much of our human potential we can use to accomplish goals and our life’s purpose. Although exercise and eating the best foods for the body are crucial to our health and our vitality, the mental aspects of our being is just as crucial.

The man or woman who thinks well also lives well and this is well-being. This thinking necessary to achieve well-being requires that we study and open ourselves to truth, meaning, and purpose. Through this study, we are able to understand the world and our lives in it in ways which go beyond what we can see with our eyes. And in this study we will find the science of well-being.

So, how is well-being and happiness related to abundance? Well-being is wondrous state of being. In fact, a better way to see it is that well-being is about “being happiness.” It is not something that we turn on and off depending on how our day goes. It is a continuous state of being. Nothing can affect it but our thoughts and expectations. This continuous state of vibrancy attracts wealth, success, optimal health, love, and empowering relationships—and this is abundance.

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