Thursday, July 3, 2008

Manifest Your Desires - Improve Your Life

Is everyone in the world living the life that they want, the life that they dream of? The answer to that is no. We can look around and see that not everyone is happy with their life and circumstances. We can talk to our friends about hopes and dreams and what type of life we desire, but what are you actually doing to have that life? Do you know anyone that has their dream life? The answer is yes to that question, have you talked to them about how they got, or do you just think, Man they're really lucky. More important, why aren't you doing the right things to manifest your dreams and improve your life?

What Stops Us From Manifesting Our Desires?

Before I tell you what stops us, think about it for a minute. Why haven't you taken the necessary steps to get what you want? I will give you two reasons that really cover anything you can say as to why you aren't: those reasons are fear, non-belief. You are afraid to take the risk, it will cost you too much, figuratively speaking. You don't believe that you are entitled to that life you want and/or you don't believe that you can have the life you want.

Someone may try to tell me that their desires are unrealistic. They are unrealistic because you think they are unrealistic, and that falls to reason two - you don't believe it is possible. Why dream about a life different from the one you are living and wish that you could have all these different things if you don't really believe that you can have them? Because secretly, you know there has to be a way to get that life, achieve those dreams of yours and meet your desires.

The good news is, there is a way for you to have the life of your dreams. The even better news is that I am going to tell you how. Stop though, right now and understand this. What I am about to tell you requires you to change the way you think everyday, about most everything. Yes, I know I can hear you saying, Oh no problem, that's easy, if it was so easy then you would be doing it already. It is not easy and it takes conscious effort on your part. Really the only one you are not helping is yourself, so if you would like to change that, then from here on out I want you to be very self aware of what you are thinking from now on. There is no room in your thought process for anything negative anymore.

Steps Required to Manifest Desires

1. Stop your negative thinking. There is to be NO more, I can't, It won't, Not me and thoughts of that nature. This step right here will make the difference between having that dream life or not.
2. According to the Law of Attraction you bring to you what you put out there. So if you are thinking I am never going to be out of debt, what the universe is hearing is I want debt. The universe works in a positive mode, it doesn't hear the don't part, only want and then it tries to deliver it to you.
3. Know what you want. Sit down right now and make a list of exactly what you want. Put that list somewhere where you can see it everyday. And say, I will have the 2007 BMW, or whatever you want it to be.
4. Be thankful for what you have already. Seriously, if you don't appreciate what you have, though it may not be ideal, why should you get something new? Be thankful for everything around you.
5. Know that everything on that list of yours is coming to you. And say that to yourself with conviction daily, repeatedly.

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