Monday, July 14, 2008

Don’t Hold Yourself Back From Success

Every human being wants to succeed – on the Conscious level.

But because you have Subconscious Why-Not-To's of Success hidden beneath the surface of your mind, it's like you are running a race with a giant rubber band around your waist going back to the start line. This causes what I call The Roller Coaster Effect: let's say one month, you make a lot of money. What invariably happens? That's when the fear sets in!

So you then do something that outwardly doesn't make any sense, but now that you know how your mind operates, makes perfect sense: you stop doing what works.

When you get to the top of the roller coaster, you feel the feeling referred to as "the fear of success." But a feeling is merely a result of something inside you – the way you perceive the situation. If you were to change your perception, you would change that feeling. And you would never experience the so-called "fear of success" ever again.

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